Time to say good bye to routine stress ulcer prophylaxis in ICU

Accepting that the world is full of uncertainty and ambiguity does not and should not stop people from being pretty sure about a lot of things. Julian Baggini WHATS NEW Pantoprazole or Placebo for Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis (POP-UP Study) In this randomized Double-Blind Exploratory Study by Selvanderan et el 214 patients were randomized to pantoprazole … Read more

Don’t cool for in hospital cardiac arrest

Targeted temperature management (TTM, therapeutic hypothermia) after cardiac arrest first came to use in clinical setting since the publication of two landmark articles in 2002. Evidence was mainly for out of hsopital cardiac arrest patients. Recently, it was noted that there was no difference in outcome between temperatures of 33 and 36 Celsius. However, based … Read more

Faster is better ? : Chest compressions in CPR

Latest AHA guidelines about adult CPR emphasize on high quality chest compression, currently at the rate of 100 to 120 per minute. In a prospective observational study, Kilgannon JH et al demonstrated that chest compression rate of 121–140 compressions/min had the highest odds ratio of ROSC. What they did 222 consecutive patients were enrolled in study,  found … Read more

Liberal blood transfusion may improve neurological outcome in acute brain injury patientsRead more